10/02/2009 The Role of Biopsy for Intraocular Tumors Biopsy is commonly performed for most malignancies. However due to certain known and potential unknown risks of biopsy, coupled with advances in ophthalmic diagnostic techniques, most intraocular tumors are currently diagnosed...
06/13/2009 Photographic Documentary on Treatment of Retinoblastoma in Mexico (explicit medical photos included!) Large Mixed AJCC-UICC T2b Retinoblastoma Dear Colleagues: An outstanding film artist came to Mexico City last year: Nicole Franco. She performed a "pro-bono" documentary on retinoblastoma...
02/14/2009 Twitter Awareness Campaign: Retinoblastoma I'm working with the Childhood Eye Cancer Trust in the UK on a twitter campaign to raise awareness of Rb and the signs and symptoms. The basic idea of the campaign, which we kick-started yesterday is to ask encourage people on twitter to read the web page...
02/10/2007 Anti-VEGF Bevacizumab (Avastin®) Found Helpful for Radiation Optic Neurology In an interventional case study from the New York Eye Cancer Center, evaluated intravitreal bevacizumab treatment for radiation optic neuropathy (RON). A patient symptomatic of decreased vision because of RON was...
12/17/2006 International Retinoblastoma Conference: One World, One Vision Barrett Haik, MD and St. Jude Children's Hospital Present International Retinoblastoma Conference January 25th, 2007: One World, one vision Participants include: St. Jude Faculty Barrett G. Haik, MD Raul C. Ribiero, MD Judith...
11/02/2006 Inactivation of the p53 pathway in Retinoblastoma Inactivation of the p53 pathway in retinoblastoma Vol 444 | 2 November 2006 | doi:10.1038/nature05194 These findings not only challenge the long-standing belief that retinoblastoma is the exception to the rule that the Rb and...
09/23/2006 PET/CT SUV Intensity Correlated to Known Risk Factors for Metastasis from Choroidal Melanoma The authors of a recently published study in the British Journal of Ophthalmology correlated the clinical, ultrasound, and pathology features of eyes evaluated by FDG positron emission tomography...
07/02/2005 Retinoblastoma Management Case 3: From Brenda Gallie, MD Dear Board Members! The Eye Cancer Network thanks Dr. Gallie for sharing her interesting management case. We further thank the respondents for taking the time to share their thoughts, recommendations, and opinions. Bilateral...
01/01/2005 Timing and the diagnosis of uveal melanoma Case 14 Tumor Board Question from Thomas Weingeist, PhD, MD Subject: Timing and the diagnosis of choroidal melanoma Date Posted: January 30th, 2005 Dear List Members A patient complains of a spot in his vision: He is examined by an optometrist, but not...
10/01/2003 Pigmented Juxtapapillary Tumor Case 13 Digital funduscopic image of the pigmented juxtapapillary tumor Tumor Board Presentation from Paul T. Finger, MD Subject: Unknown Date Posted: October 21st, 2003 Dear List Members We have a interesting case and would like to get your comments...
09/01/2003 Large Intraocular Tumor Case 12 MRI Imaging of the Orbits Tumor Board Presentation from Paul T. Finger, MD and Steven A. McCormick, MD Subject: Unknown Date: September 17th, 2003 Dear List Members We have a interesting case and would like to get your comments, particularly the ophthalmic pathologists...
04/01/2003 Small Juxtafoveal Melanoma Case 11 Tumor Board Discussion A Case of a Small Juxtapapillary Melanoma Ultrasound reveals a choroidal tumor with low internal reflectivity and an apical height of 2.1 mm From: The Eye Cancer Network International Tumor Board Date: Friday May 2nd, 2003 America/New_York...
12/01/2002 Conjunctival MALT Lymphoma Case 10 A: MALT lymphoma - Note the pink mucosal thickening of the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva. Original Message Dear ECN Colleagues B: MALT lymphoma - Note the pink mucosal thickening of the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva. Does anyone have experience using...
08/17/2002 Pediatric Unknown Intraocular Tumor Case 9 RetCam Digital Image Subject: Unknown Date: August 16th, 2002 Dear List Members We have a interesting case and would like to get your comments. Case This newborn presented with leukocoria due to a large creamy, white mass with fine overlying vessels...
02/15/2002 Subretinal Hemorrhage after Plaque Case 8 Photograph of the Tumor and Hemorrhage Management Case: This 65 year old male presented with a 3 week history of decreased vision OS. A 14 x 13 mm base and 6.5 mm high choroidal melanoma was noted superotemporal to the optic nerve and fovea...
08/24/2001 Extrascleral Extension of Choroidal Melanoma Case 6 This tumor exhibits 3 signs consistent with ciliary body melanoma: displacement of the iris root, a sentinel vessel and extrascleral extension. History This 38 year-old patient was referred to The New York Eye Cancer Center with a large >16 mm base anterior...
05/28/2001 CLL Case 4 Fluorescein Angiography 12-00 to 4-01 Subject: CLL Case Date: June 28th 2001 From: Gonzalo Blanco (Spain) Dear List Members: We have a difficult case and would like to get your comments on treatment. Case 1 Ultrasound Image 4-01 An elderly woman with a past medical history...
05/27/2001 Orbital Pseudotumor Case 3 A Recent External Photograph of the 72 year old male - May 2001 Subject: Sclerosing Pseudotumor Management Case Date: Sunday, May 27th 2001 From: Paul T. Finger, MD, FACS Dear List Members We have a difficult case and would like to get your comments on treatment. Case 1...
03/07/2001 Retinoblastoma Case 2- Tumor Board Presentation from Edward Averbukh, MD Pre: New small retinoblastoma temporal to the macula (arrow) Subject: Retinoblastoma Management Case Date: Wednesday March 7th, 2001 From: Edward Averbukh, MD Dear List Members: We have a difficult case and would like to...
10/22/2000 Retinoblastoma Case 1- Tumor Board Presentation from Brenda Gallie, MD Photo #1 - Histopathologic slides from Case #2 Subject: Retinoblastoma cases Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 16:45:30 -0400 From: Brenda Gallie Dear List Members We have two difficult cases that would be useful to get comments...