Financial Resources
- A Cure in Sight
- ACS Hope Lodge (free housing)
- Air Charity Network: 877-621-7177
- American Cancer Society: 888-227-2345
- Angel Flight Northeast
- Angel Flight Southeast: (800) 352-4256
- Angel Flight West: 888-4-AN-ANGEL
- Bristol Meyers Squibb, Financial program for Yervoy
- Cancer Care: 1-800-813-HOPE (4673)
- Cancer and Careers
- Corporate Angel Network: Bonnie LeVar, (914) 328-1313
- Health Resources and Services Administration
- National Financial Resource Directory (OM patients in the NY area can also try for the CancerCare Financial Assistance Program set up with funds from the Lavelle Foundation for the Blind. Call 1-800-813-4673
- Patient Advocate Foundation
- Patient Airlift Services (PALS): Farmingdale NY 888-818-1231
- The Tumori Foundation
- United Way