Bradley T. Smith, M.D.
Contact information
Ophthalmic Oncologist
Education and Fellowships
Barnes Retina Institute / Washington University in St. Louis
Current Positions
None Listed
2006-2008 Barnes Retina Institute/Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Fellowship in Vitreoretinal Surgery
2003-2006 Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residency in Ophthalmology
2002-2003 Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Transitional Year Internship
1998-2002 University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama
Doctor of Medicine, cum laude
Honors and Awards
2020 Distinguished Contributor for Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease
2019 Associate Editor Graefe's Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award
2015 Best Doctors
2002 Alpha Omega Alpha
Excellence in medical scholarship.
Smith BT. Diabetes and the Retina. St. Louis Medical News. November 13, 2013.
Rao RC, Blinder KJ, Smith BT, Shah GK. Internal limiting membrane peeling for
primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Ophthalmology. 2013
Smith BT. Multifocal Choroiditis/Punctate Inner Choroiditis. In Maguire JI, Murchison AP, Jaeger EA, eds. Wills Eye Institute 5-Minute Ophthalmology Consult.
Smith BT, Joseph DP. Labor-induced Hemorrhage of Retinal Cavernous Hemangioma. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging. 2009 July/Aug;40(4)
Smith BT, Joseph DP, Grand MG. Pharmacological Monotherapy for Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration. In Catlin RB, ed. Retinal Degeneration: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. 2009
Smith BT, Grand MG. Diabetes and the Eye. In Levin ME, Pfeifer MA, eds. The Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications, 3rd Ed.
Smith BT, Kraus CL, Apte RS. Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tears in Ranibizumab-Treated Eyes. Retina. 2009 January;29:335-339.
Smith BT, Dhalla MS, Shah, GK, et al. Intravitreal Bevacizumab Combined with Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy for Choroidal Neovascularization in Age-related Macular Degeneration. Retina. 2008 May;28(5):675-81.
Schadlu R, Blinder KJ, Shah GK, Holekamp NM, Thomas MA, Grand MG, Engelbrecht NE, Apte RS, Joseph DP, Prasad AG, Smith BT, Sheybani A. Intravitreal bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization in ocular histoplasmosis. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2008 May;145(5):875-8. Epub 2008 Mar 5.
Khanna S, Smith BT. Thrombocytopenia-Related Hemorrhagic Retinopathy. EyeNet Magazine. 2008 January
Smith BT, Shah GK. Combination Therapy for Age-related Macular Degeneration. Review of Ophthalmology. 2007 October;14(10):73-79.
Smith BT, Joseph DP, Grand MG. Treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: past, present and future directions. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2007 May;18(3):240-4.
Smith BT, Hannush SB. A LASIK patient’s seemingly uncomplicated cataract surgery leads to a disappointing outcome. Review of Ophthalmology. 2006 September;13(9):109-110.
Smith BT, Park CH, Federman JL, Sarin LK, Martidis A. Efficient Detachment of the Retina for Full Macular Translocation. Retina. 2006 May/June;26(5):580-583.
Lutty GA, Chan-Ling T, Phelps DL, Adamis AP, Berns KI, Chan CK, Cole CH, D'Amore PA, Das A, Deng WT, Dobson V, Flynn JT, Friedlander M, Fulton A, Good WV, Grant MB, Hansen R, Hauswirth WW, Hardy RJ, Hinton DR, Hughes S, McLeod DS, Palmer EA, Patz A, Penn JS, Raisler BJ, Repka MX, Saint-Geniez M, Shaw LC, Shima DT, Smith BT, Smith LE, Tahija SG, Tasman W, Trese MT. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Late Complications in the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964), in The Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Retinopathy of Prematurity: An update on ROP from the lab to the nursery. (November 2003, Anaheim, California). Molecular Vision. 2006 May 23;12:532-80.
Smith BT, Park CH, Fekrat S. Hemi-Retinal Vein Occlusion following LASIK.
Annals of Ophthalmology. 2006 Summer;38(2):139-140.
Park CH, Smith BT, Oh M, Fekrat S. Optical Coherence Tomography following Photodynamic Therapy with Verteporfin for Choroidal Neovascularization. Annals of Ophthalmology. 2006 Summer;38(2):121-126.
Smith BT, Vander JF, Regillo CD, Ho AC. Evaluation of the Potential Acuity Meter in
Predicting Visual Acuity after Photodynamic Therapy in Eyes with AMD-Related
Subfoveal Predominantly Classic Choroidal Neovascularization. Ophthalmic Surgery,
Lasers and Imaging. 2006 Jan/Feb;37(1):6-11.
Tasman W, Patz A, McNamara JA, Kaiser RS, Trese MT, Smith BT. Retinopathy of Prematurity: The Life of a Lifetime disease. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2006 Jan;141(1):167-74.
Smith BT, Belani S, Ho AC. Ultraviolet and near-blue light effects on the eye. International Ophthalmology Clinics. 2005 Winter;45(1):107-115.
Smith BT, Belani S, Ho AC. Light Energy, Cataract Surgery and AMD Progression. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2005 Jun;16(3):166-9. [reprinted in Contemporary Ophthalmology. 2005 Oct;4(21):1-6.]
Smith BT, Regillo CD. Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. EyeNet Magazine. 2005 Oct;9(9):37-39.
Smith BT, Tasman W. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Late Complications in the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964). Trans Am Ophthalmol Society. 2005;103:225-34.
Cahill MT, Smith BT, Fekrat S. Adverse reaction characterized by chest pain, shortness of breath, and syncope associated with verteporfin (Visudyne). American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2002 Aug;134(2):281-282.
Sakura Study (Principal Investigator)
Fovista trial of platelet-derived growth factor inhibitor for exudative age-related macular degeneration. (Principal Investigator)
A Phase 2b/3 Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Mased, Dose-Ranging Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Emixustat Hydrochloride (ACU-4429) with Placebo for Treatment of Geographic Atrophy Associated with Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Acucela trial. (sub-investigator)
Eylea for age-related macular degeneration. Short-term clinical effects of intravitreal aflibercept 2.0 mg as a predictor of long-term results. (sub-investigator)
Ozurdex dexamethasone implant for epiretinal membranes. (sub-investigator)
Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network Protocols M, S, T, U, and V. (Sub-investigator)
CRAVE investigation of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab for the treatment of retinal vein occlusions. (sub-investigator)
A Randomized, Double Masked, Active Controlled Phase III Study of the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Repeated Doses of Intravitreal VEGF Trap in Subjects with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration. Clinical Evaluation of Anti-angiogenesis in the Retina-Intravitreal Trial 3. (Sub-investigator)
Efficacy/Safety of Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy and Ranibizumab Compared With Ranibizumab in Patients With Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascularization. (Sub-investigator)
An Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Posterior Juxtascleral Administrations of
Anecortave Acetate for Depot Suspension (15 mg or 30 mg) versus Sham Administration in Patients at Risk for Developing Sight-Threatening Choroidal Neovascularization due to Exudative Age Related Macular Degeneration. (Sub-investigator)
Determination of Aqueous and Vitreous Concentrations of Topically Administered
Nepafenac 0.1% (Nevanac) and Ketorolac 0.4% (Acular LS) in Humans. (Sub-investigator)
A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Injection-Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab Injection Compared with Sham in Subjects with Macular Edema Secondary to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRUISE). Protocol FVF4166g (Sub-investigator)
A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Injection-Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab Injection Compared with Sham in Subjects with Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRAVO). Protocol FVF4165 (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Administered Monthly or on an As-Needed Basis in Patients With Subfoveal Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (HARBOR). Protocol FVF4579g (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Injection in Subjects With Clinically Significant Macular Edema With Center Involvement Secondary to Diabetes Mellitus (RISE). Protocol FVF4170g (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Injection in Subjects With Clinically Significant Macular Edema With Center Involvement Secondary to Diabetes Mellitus (RIDE). FVF4168g (Sub-investigator)
Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC). (Sub-investigator)
- The Retina Institute
2201 S Brentwood Blvd., St Louis, MO 63144
(314) 367-1181
Map and directions »
Ophthalmic Oncologist
Education and Fellowships
Barnes Retina Institute / Washington University in St. Louis
Current Positions
None Listed
2006-2008 Barnes Retina Institute/Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri
Fellowship in Vitreoretinal Surgery
2003-2006 Wills Eye Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Residency in Ophthalmology
2002-2003 Hospitals of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Transitional Year Internship
1998-2002 University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama
Doctor of Medicine, cum laude
Honors and Awards
2020 Distinguished Contributor for Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease
2019 Associate Editor Graefe's Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
2016 American Academy of Ophthalmology Achievement Award
2015 Best Doctors
2002 Alpha Omega Alpha
Excellence in medical scholarship.
Smith BT. Diabetes and the Retina. St. Louis Medical News. November 13, 2013.
Rao RC, Blinder KJ, Smith BT, Shah GK. Internal limiting membrane peeling for
primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair. Ophthalmology. 2013
Smith BT. Multifocal Choroiditis/Punctate Inner Choroiditis. In Maguire JI, Murchison AP, Jaeger EA, eds. Wills Eye Institute 5-Minute Ophthalmology Consult.
Smith BT, Joseph DP. Labor-induced Hemorrhage of Retinal Cavernous Hemangioma. Ophthalmic Surgery, Lasers and Imaging. 2009 July/Aug;40(4)
Smith BT, Joseph DP, Grand MG. Pharmacological Monotherapy for Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration. In Catlin RB, ed. Retinal Degeneration: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment. 2009
Smith BT, Grand MG. Diabetes and the Eye. In Levin ME, Pfeifer MA, eds. The Uncomplicated Guide to Diabetes Complications, 3rd Ed.
Smith BT, Kraus CL, Apte RS. Retinal Pigment Epithelial Tears in Ranibizumab-Treated Eyes. Retina. 2009 January;29:335-339.
Smith BT, Dhalla MS, Shah, GK, et al. Intravitreal Bevacizumab Combined with Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy for Choroidal Neovascularization in Age-related Macular Degeneration. Retina. 2008 May;28(5):675-81.
Schadlu R, Blinder KJ, Shah GK, Holekamp NM, Thomas MA, Grand MG, Engelbrecht NE, Apte RS, Joseph DP, Prasad AG, Smith BT, Sheybani A. Intravitreal bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization in ocular histoplasmosis. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2008 May;145(5):875-8. Epub 2008 Mar 5.
Khanna S, Smith BT. Thrombocytopenia-Related Hemorrhagic Retinopathy. EyeNet Magazine. 2008 January
Smith BT, Shah GK. Combination Therapy for Age-related Macular Degeneration. Review of Ophthalmology. 2007 October;14(10):73-79.
Smith BT, Joseph DP, Grand MG. Treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: past, present and future directions. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2007 May;18(3):240-4.
Smith BT, Hannush SB. A LASIK patient’s seemingly uncomplicated cataract surgery leads to a disappointing outcome. Review of Ophthalmology. 2006 September;13(9):109-110.
Smith BT, Park CH, Federman JL, Sarin LK, Martidis A. Efficient Detachment of the Retina for Full Macular Translocation. Retina. 2006 May/June;26(5):580-583.
Lutty GA, Chan-Ling T, Phelps DL, Adamis AP, Berns KI, Chan CK, Cole CH, D'Amore PA, Das A, Deng WT, Dobson V, Flynn JT, Friedlander M, Fulton A, Good WV, Grant MB, Hansen R, Hauswirth WW, Hardy RJ, Hinton DR, Hughes S, McLeod DS, Palmer EA, Patz A, Penn JS, Raisler BJ, Repka MX, Saint-Geniez M, Shaw LC, Shima DT, Smith BT, Smith LE, Tahija SG, Tasman W, Trese MT. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Late Complications in the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964), in The Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Retinopathy of Prematurity: An update on ROP from the lab to the nursery. (November 2003, Anaheim, California). Molecular Vision. 2006 May 23;12:532-80.
Smith BT, Park CH, Fekrat S. Hemi-Retinal Vein Occlusion following LASIK.
Annals of Ophthalmology. 2006 Summer;38(2):139-140.
Park CH, Smith BT, Oh M, Fekrat S. Optical Coherence Tomography following Photodynamic Therapy with Verteporfin for Choroidal Neovascularization. Annals of Ophthalmology. 2006 Summer;38(2):121-126.
Smith BT, Vander JF, Regillo CD, Ho AC. Evaluation of the Potential Acuity Meter in
Predicting Visual Acuity after Photodynamic Therapy in Eyes with AMD-Related
Subfoveal Predominantly Classic Choroidal Neovascularization. Ophthalmic Surgery,
Lasers and Imaging. 2006 Jan/Feb;37(1):6-11.
Tasman W, Patz A, McNamara JA, Kaiser RS, Trese MT, Smith BT. Retinopathy of Prematurity: The Life of a Lifetime disease. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2006 Jan;141(1):167-74.
Smith BT, Belani S, Ho AC. Ultraviolet and near-blue light effects on the eye. International Ophthalmology Clinics. 2005 Winter;45(1):107-115.
Smith BT, Belani S, Ho AC. Light Energy, Cataract Surgery and AMD Progression. Current Opinion in Ophthalmology. 2005 Jun;16(3):166-9. [reprinted in Contemporary Ophthalmology. 2005 Oct;4(21):1-6.]
Smith BT, Regillo CD. Cytomegalovirus Retinitis. EyeNet Magazine. 2005 Oct;9(9):37-39.
Smith BT, Tasman W. Retinopathy of Prematurity: Late Complications in the Baby Boomer Generation (1946-1964). Trans Am Ophthalmol Society. 2005;103:225-34.
Cahill MT, Smith BT, Fekrat S. Adverse reaction characterized by chest pain, shortness of breath, and syncope associated with verteporfin (Visudyne). American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2002 Aug;134(2):281-282.
Sakura Study (Principal Investigator)
Fovista trial of platelet-derived growth factor inhibitor for exudative age-related macular degeneration. (Principal Investigator)
A Phase 2b/3 Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Mased, Dose-Ranging Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of Emixustat Hydrochloride (ACU-4429) with Placebo for Treatment of Geographic Atrophy Associated with Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Acucela trial. (sub-investigator)
Eylea for age-related macular degeneration. Short-term clinical effects of intravitreal aflibercept 2.0 mg as a predictor of long-term results. (sub-investigator)
Ozurdex dexamethasone implant for epiretinal membranes. (sub-investigator)
Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network Protocols M, S, T, U, and V. (Sub-investigator)
CRAVE investigation of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab for the treatment of retinal vein occlusions. (sub-investigator)
A Randomized, Double Masked, Active Controlled Phase III Study of the Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Repeated Doses of Intravitreal VEGF Trap in Subjects with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration. Clinical Evaluation of Anti-angiogenesis in the Retina-Intravitreal Trial 3. (Sub-investigator)
Efficacy/Safety of Verteporfin Photodynamic Therapy and Ranibizumab Compared With Ranibizumab in Patients With Subfoveal Choroidal Neovascularization. (Sub-investigator)
An Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety of Posterior Juxtascleral Administrations of
Anecortave Acetate for Depot Suspension (15 mg or 30 mg) versus Sham Administration in Patients at Risk for Developing Sight-Threatening Choroidal Neovascularization due to Exudative Age Related Macular Degeneration. (Sub-investigator)
Determination of Aqueous and Vitreous Concentrations of Topically Administered
Nepafenac 0.1% (Nevanac) and Ketorolac 0.4% (Acular LS) in Humans. (Sub-investigator)
A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Injection-Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab Injection Compared with Sham in Subjects with Macular Edema Secondary to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRUISE). Protocol FVF4166g (Sub-investigator)
A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Sham Injection-Controlled Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Ranibizumab Injection Compared with Sham in Subjects with Macular Edema Secondary to Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion (BRAVO). Protocol FVF4165 (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Administered Monthly or on an As-Needed Basis in Patients With Subfoveal Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (HARBOR). Protocol FVF4579g (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Injection in Subjects With Clinically Significant Macular Edema With Center Involvement Secondary to Diabetes Mellitus (RISE). Protocol FVF4170g (Sub-investigator)
A Study of Ranibizumab Injection in Subjects With Clinically Significant Macular Edema With Center Involvement Secondary to Diabetes Mellitus (RIDE). FVF4168g (Sub-investigator)
Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC). (Sub-investigator)
Selected publications
- Treatment of Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation with Intravitreal Steroid Implants.
Retinal Cases and Brief Reports - Incidence of Uveitis and Macular Edema among Patients taking Fingolimod 0.5mg for Multiple Sclerosis.
Journal of Ophthalmic Inflammation and Infection - Lymphoma masquerading as occlusive retinal vasculitis: a case study.
American Journal of Ophthalmology Case Reports - Dexamethasone implants in the management of macular edema from vein occlusion, diabetes, and uveitis in patients undergoing cataract extraction.
Journal of Vitreoreretinal Disease - Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: Practical Usefulness.
Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease - Bilateral Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Following Intravenous Immunoglobulin.
Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease - Acute Angle Closure Precipitated by Hemorrhage and Necrosis of a Large Uveal Melanoma in the Setting of Systemic Immunomodulatory Therapy.
Ocular Oncology and Pathology - Exogenous Testosterone Use and Central Serous Chorioretinopathy.
Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease - Management of large submacular hemorrhages due to exudative AMD utilizing pars plana vitrectomy, subretinal tissue plasminogen activator, and gas insertion compared with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor alone.
Journal of Vitreoretinal Disease